Monday, 5/29 - No School- Memorial Day
Tuesday, 5/30 - Face Painting
Wednesday, 5/31 - Spring Concert 7pm
Thursday, 6/01 - In School Concert 1:45pm (Students only)
Friday, 6/02 - Sunglasses Day!
Memorial Day Weekend
Enjoy your time with family and friends while honoring U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the United States armed forces.
State Testing
State Testing has concluded with the exception of a few make up exams. Thank you parents for getting the students in this last month so we can make sure everyone was able to complete their testing.
School Climate Survey
Last year we took the National School Climate Survey for parents, staff, and students in grades 3 - 6. The purpose of this survey was to determine which areas we are doing well and which areas we can improve! We are following up with the survey this year as well. Next week, parents will receive the survey via email. Parents with students in grades 3 to 6 will also receive an OPT out document for their child to participate in the survey.
Looking Ahead!
June 8 - 6th grade Evening of Recognition 6pm
June 9 - 12pm PK4 Graduation/12:50 Dismissal
June 12- 12:50 Dismissal; Last Day of School