This week: Week of Respect & Fire Prevention Monday, 10/07 -Garden Club and Fun & Games Tuesday, 10/08 - All Fire Posters out for judging tonight! Board Games, Fall Craf...
After School Clubs Starting on Monday, September 30 Be on the lookout for club sign ups! You will receive an opportunity for your child to participate in free after school cl...
This week: Friday, 9/20 - LifeTouch picture day! Great Start! We have had a great start to the school year! Thanks to those parents that were able to attend back to scho...
This week: Monday, 9/02 - NO SCHOOL ~ LABOR DAY Welcome Back! The Fireballs had a great first couple of days at school. Thank you parents for prepping your children for...
This week: Monday, 6/17 - Learning Acceleration Program Begins Thank you! Thank you to the families of Franklin students. We had a fantastic year this year. We will sta...
Monday, 5/27 - No School; Memorial Day Tuesday, 5/28- 4th & 6th Grade Field Trips Wednesday, 5/29 -3rd Grade Class Trip Thursday, 5/30 - Student Council ...