Monday, 3/27 - Stock Market, Track & Field
Tuesday, 3/28 - Yearbook, Game Club & STEAM Challenge
Wednesday, 3/29 - Student Council, Movement Club &
Garden Club
Thursday, 3/30 - 4th Grade Field Trip
Friday, 3/31 - Battle of the Books 5/6 & Bring Your Favorite Stuffed Animal Day
Family Reading Night and March Madness
We had two evening events where much of the Franklin Community attended. Thank you to all the staff that participated! Thanks especially to Mrs. Fischer and Mrs. Wester for coordinating Family Reading Night. Thank you to the PTA and 6th Grade Parents for sponsoring the 6th Grade March Madness basketball game. We had parents, staff, and members of the State Police join in! The 6th graders continued their streak of 3 straight wins over the adults!
Clothing for Nurse’s Office
If your child has used clothing from the nurse’s office, please return them to school. Also - if you have slightly worn clothing you would like to donate of all ages, we will take them.
Franklin Township PTA
The PTA has two open positions for the 2023-2024 school year - President* and Treasurer. Elections will take place at the May 10th General PTA Meeting. If you are interested in serving on the Board, please email by April 22nd to be added to the ballot. Any questions can be directed to the same email address.
*Please note that a President-elect has already been identified to ensure continuity of the PTA during the outgoing President's transition period, however, other nominees may come forward.
Looking ahead:
April 5 - 12:50 Dismissal; Spring Break
April 6 through 11 - No School; Spring Break